Oxyplug Prefetch and Prerender plugin enables you to prefetch all links with the conditions below for a better performance and user experience.
Prefetch settings
1. You can specify the number of pages on archives or taxonomies to be prefetched immediately after page loading.
2. You can decide whether links should be prefetched when hovering a mouse. By enabling this feature, links with the mouse hovering event for at least 200 milliseconds will be prefetched.
NB: The time should be specified based on the millisecond units of time.

Prerender settings
Another additional feature in the Oxyplug Prefetch and Prerender plugin is prerendering one or some pages, so they will be rendered and ready to load fast before the user requests for that page.
3. You can specify the number of pages prerendered on a category or taxonomy page.
4. By enabling this feature, all links after the mouse hovering event (at least 200 milliseconds) will be prerendered.

Exclusion settings
5. You can enter an address(es) to exclude it from the prefetching and prerendering list. Entering page URLs using Regex is allowed as well.
E.g. 1: /logout will exclude logout
E.g. 2: /(page1|page2)/ will exclude all URLs that begin with “page1” or “page2”
E.g. 3: /custom_pages/* will exclude all URLs that begin with “custom_pages” where the * at the end matches anything that follows.
6. By pressing Add more button, you can add more paths to exclude.

Prefetch and Prerender options on a single page’s editing side
There is also the possibility for prefetching and prerendering one or some pages on a special page. To do so, you need to open the editing side of the page, then you will see two boxes as shown in the image, containing Prerender and Prefetch options.
1. You can enable the specific pages’ prerendering / prefetching option by toggling on the prerender / prefetch switch.
2. Add the URL of the page that is going to be prerendered/prefetched to the empty field.
3. You can add more links by pressing the “Add more button”.