Oxyplug Prefetch and Prerender plugin enables you to prefetch all links with the conditions below for a better performance and user experience.
Prefetch settings
1. You can specify the number of pages on the archive or taxonomy pages to be prefetched.
2. You can decide after how many milliseconds of mouse hovering, the links will be prefetched. The recommended time is 300 milliseconds, but it can easily be changed to the intended number.
NB: The time should be specified based on the millisecond units of time.
3. Prefetching all links in the viewport is another Oxyplug Prefetch and Prerender plugin option which is disabled by default, but you can enable this option by marking the checkbox. With this option, all the <a> tags in the viewport will be prefetched.
4. You can also exclude the links that you do not want to be prefetched. For excluding these links, you can mention their selector such as a class or id, so all the links with those selectors will not be prefetched.
Prerender settings
Another additional feature in the Oxyplug Prefetch and Prerender plugin is prerendering one or some pages, so they will be rendered and ready to load fast before the user requests for that page.
5. You can enable prerendering option on the category pages by checking Number of prerenders. Under this section, you can define number of links that is supposed to be prerendered on a category page.
6. You can also enable prerendering links on mouse hover after X milliseconds. Under this sections, there is a box for defining mouse hover duration needed for a link to be prerendered.
7. Just save all the changes that you have made by pressing the Save button.
Prefetch and Prerender options on a page’s editing side
There is also the possibility for prefetching and prerendering one or some pages on a special page1. To do so, you need to open the editing side of a page, then you will see two boxes like the image at the end, containing Prerender and Prefetch options.
1 Post, product, and page
1. You can enable the specific pages prerendering / prefetching option by toggling on the prerender / prefetch switch.
2. Add the URL of the page that is going to be prerendered / prefetched to the empty field.
3. You can add more links by pressing Add more button.